Burning Fitness FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions about Burning Fitness Personal Training in Buffalo, NY

FREE Personal Training Fitness Assessment

What is the FREE Fitness Assessment?

If you’re interested in personal training with Burning Fitness, we’ll start you off with a FREE Fitness Assessment! You’ll start off with a guided tour of the facility and then one of our certified trainers will evaluate your mobility, flexibility, balance, strength and overall fitness. Afterwards, you’ll sit down with the trainer for the consultation portion of the assessment to discuss your goals for your fitness, body composition and health. We use this information to start planning your custom-designed, personal training program — tailored to fit your body, lifestyle and schedule.

How do I sign up for a FREE Assessment?

Go to the FREE Assessment page and fill out the form requesting your name, phone number and email. Once we’ve received your submission, we’ll contact you within 24 hours to schedule a date and time for the meeting with our NASM Certified Personal Trainer.

If you have questions you’d like answered before scheduling your assessment, you can ask them at that time, OR you can submit a question through our website on our contact page!

Is it really free?

Yes, it is! Our personal training fitness assessments are 100% FREE and there is no pressure at all to sign up for training at the end of it.

At Burning Fitness, we use this opportunity to answer all of the questions you may have about personal training in general, the services we offer, and find out YOUR goals – to advise you on the best track to go about achieving them. At the assessment, we’ll find out if Burning Fitness is a good fit for YOU!

Buffalo Personal Training Gym Memberships

What are your membership options?

Burning Fitness offers contracts for 1 year or 3 month membership periods. You can enroll for a set number of either 2, 3, 4, or 5 training sessions per week.

We designed our contract to protect both YOU and Burning Fitness LLC. Unlike other gyms that seek to trap people into a never-ending, auto-renewing membership and hide the ability to cancel or opt-out in ridiculous loopholes and requirements, our contracts do NOT automatically renew. Instead, at the end of your contract, you will meet with your trainer to review the progress you’ve made during your membership period and assess the best options to continue. This gives you the freedom to re-enroll by choice at the number of sessions per week that fits your changing life and goals!

Can members use the gym at any time?

Our memberships do not include unlimited gym access. We are exclusively a personal training gym and membership enrollment is for a specified number of pre-scheduled training sessions per week.

How do membership payments work?

Membership payments are made through our scheduling & membership app (PushPress) by connecting a credit card, debit card or direct debit. Depending on the start date of your contract, your first payment may be pro-rated. Following that, payments are made on the 1st of each month for the duration of the contract.

Personal Training Sessions

What is semi-private, personal training?

Semi-private personal training brings you the quality and attention of 1-on-1 training — at a much more affordable price, and with the moral and energy that comes from exercising in a small group.

Burning Fitness training sessions allow up to 3 people to book in a one-hour block. The trainer will work with each member individually — setting up their equipment, monitoring their form and guiding/directing them through their custom fitness program. All workouts are happening simultaneously, but with plenty of space and without hindering each other’s workout. This gives you the added drive and motivation from exercising alongside your peers — resulting in a great workout!

Who will my trainer be?

We have two amazing trainers at Burning Fitness – both are NASM-certified and experts in their field. Depending on when you decide to book your sessions, you could be working with either one or a combination of both.

Steve Berning is the owner and head trainer of Burning Fitness. He trains during the morning session blocks from 6am to 11am, as well as every other Saturday.

Trévon Liggins is our other certified trainer at Burning Fitness. He trains during the afternoon and evening session blocks from 3pm to 8pm, as well as every other Saturday.

Read more about our trainers here.

When are your training session hours?

Training sessions are booked for 1 hour blocks, and allow up to 3 members to book per block. Our training hours are as follows:

  • Monday 6:00–11:00 AM,  4:00–8:00 PM
  • Tuesday 6:00–11:00 AM,  3:00–8:00 PM
  • Wednesday 6:00–11:00 AM,  4:00–8:00 PM
  • Thursday 6:00–11:00 AM,  3:00–8:00 PM
  • Friday 6:00–11:00 AM,  3:00–7:00 PM
  • Saturday 7:00–11:00 AM
  • Sunday CLOSED

How does booking work for training sessions?

Burning Fitness uses the “PushPress” app for all of your scheduling and membership details. After you sign up, your trainer will give you information on how to set up the app on your phone and create an account — which will then be connected to your membership. Your account will be granted a certain number of credits per month depending on the number of sessions per week you signed up for in your contract. When you book your training sessions each week, it will deduct each credit accordingly. You can personalize your app settings to send you reminders about your training sessions.

Check out the PushPress App on the App Store or on Google Play.

General Questions about Personal Training

What are the benefits of having a personal trainer?

Joining a personal training gym can have a multitude of benefits! To name a few…

  • Accountability
    Accountability is one of the top reasons why most people work with our personal trainers. If you’ve invested your money and there’s a trainer waiting at the gym for you to turn up, you’re much less likely to slack off or skip. Your trainer will push you and remind you of the goals you’re working towards when you need it. Burning Fitness personal trainers are the ultimate accountability partners for fitness.
  • Variety in Workout
    Most people repeat the same workout each time they go to the gym. Not only can that quickly lead to boredom, but it also increases the risk of injury, the likelyness to slack off during your workout, AND often leads to a plateau in progress. Our personal trainers will help you to mix up your routine, try new things and new equipment under their guidance. Our trainers design a program personalized to meet your specific goals, with enough variety to keep you on your toes. That way, you won’t get bored and your motivation won’t suffer!
  • Motivation
    It’s can be hard to stay motivated when you’re working out alone. Working with a personal trainer can help you to exercise the best way to achieve your goals. They’ll know when to push you and when to take it more gently. When the mental drag of pushing through a lack of motivation is gone, you’ll find your workouts to be more enjoyable AND more effective!
  • Effective & Efficient Workouts
    Many people may feel like they’ve spent hours and hours at the gym, but are not making any progress. Our expert trainers know how to design a work out that is more efficient — so that you burn more calories and make more progress, in less time. Incorrect form and technique play a huge roll in impairing the effectiveness of a workout. Your certified trainer will be constantly checking your form and making the necessary tweaks to ensure your exercise is effective AND risk-free.
  • Social Atmosphere
    Some people just find working out really boring! Having a trainer next to you to chat to can really help to alleviate this feeling. Plus, our semi-private training model gives you the atmosphere of a small group workout. This social element can be a huge help with motivation and engagement during your workout.
  • Overall Health & Future
    Many of us have personal health and fitness goals that we struggle to achieve on our own. Deciding to commit to a personal training program can be the nudge you need to really make a change in your overall lifestyle. Our NASM certified personal trainers have a detailed variety of knowledge across the health and wellness spectrum. We are able to assist you with nutrition, habit and lifestyle coaching to help you acheieve long-lasting results from your health & fitness goals.
  • Injury Prevention
    If you’re not exercising with correct form and technique, you’re severely increasing your risk of injury. The TOP priority of our certified trainers is to prevent injury. They are contstantly monitoring your form to help you stay safe when you’re working out. People with past injuries often worry about exercising, in case they trigger a flare-up. Our personal trainers know how to work around old injuries and stop them from getting worse, while still making sure you get the most effective workout.

Lose Weight. Get Stronger. Boost Energy. Be Healthier.